
Since my early days as a Campaign Manager for the Alliance Party in Nadi through to a parliamentarian and Leader of the Opposition until the coup d'état in December 2006 and right through my campaigns to bring back democracy through to my role in the opposition to date I have always been an outspoken individual with strong opinions on many subjects. Here I have created a place for me to share my knowledge and views which I hope will be to the betterment of the country we all hold dear.

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Subscribe to my podcasts and keep up to date on many of the political issues of the day affecting Fiji.


Subscribe to my Youtube channel to watch my podcasts with a more visual appeal.


Why I do What I do

As a prolific researcher, thinker and analyst my days are made up of pouring through our countries budgets, the financial reports of both public and quasi-public entities, parliamentary hansard reports, news articles, interviews and much more. It is what I have been doing since my days in Parliament and my time as the Leader of the Opposition. Over the decades I have become adept at finding the information that many try to hide or obfuscate which has been the basis of many a revelation. It is the truth that can be most harmful to those who wish to hide it and we should all use the truth as our sword in the fight for freedom.

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My Latest



Over my 35 years of active business engagement I helped pioneer sports & event management and organized and handled some of Fiji largest events with participating group numbers of 1,200 plus over 7 day stays.

I helped break the Australia-Fiji airline monopoly that existed for decades by successfully getting approval for Ansett Australia to mount schedule services to Fiji. This route is today utilized by Virgin.

Perhaps my greatest achievement was despite having the most complex itineraries with which to plan transfers for hundreds of clients each day, 24 hours a day, we consistently maintained a 99.5% customer satisfaction level when compared to our associate companies world wide. Our Customer Service was the key to that success which we maintained for 25 years.

Get in touch and I can see if I can Help.