Visa FREE Pacific Community

IF YOU AGREE THAT IT’S TIME FOR A ‘VISA FREE PACIFIC ISLAND COMMUNITY’, please sign this petition and share the link with all your family and friends in all of our Pacific Islands as well as Australia and New Zealand, and help me secure signatures in support my proposal for a Visa Free Pacific Island Community.

Our petition will be presented to the governments of Australia and New Zealand as well as all member nations of the Pacific Island Community. We will hold them all to account for their forum stated value to:-

‘Seek peaceful, safe, and stable communities and countries, ensuring full security and well-being for the peoples of the Pacific. And, we support full inclusivity, equity and equality for all people of the Pacific’

Vina du,
Mick Beddoes

An ocean-going outrigger canoe voyaging in the Pacific Ocean

Photo by Joe Cakacaka